Which sentence is written in passive voice?

Late night comedy makes us laugh.

The veteran anchorman reported the nightly news.

Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations.

The quarterly ratings illustrate a boost in viewership.


Study this if you still don't understand.

Is it D

To identify which sentence is written in passive voice, you need to understand the difference between active and passive voice.

In an active voice sentence, the subject performs the action stated by the verb. For example, in the sentence "The veteran anchorman reported the nightly news," the subject "veteran anchorman" is performing the action of "reporting" the news.

In a passive voice sentence, the subject is the receiver of the action, rather than the performer. The action of the verb is done to the subject. In passive voice sentences, you often see auxiliary verbs like "is," "are," "was," or "were," along with a past participle form of the main verb.

Now, let's analyze the given sentences:

1. "Late night comedy makes us laugh."
This sentence is in active voice. The subject "late night comedy" is performing the action of making "us" laugh.

2. "The veteran anchorman reported the nightly news."
This sentence is in active voice. The subject "veteran anchorman" is performing the action of "reporting" the news.

3. "Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations."
This sentence is in passive voice. The subject "local television stations" is the receiver of the action "are owned" (passive construction), rather than performing the action themselves.

4. "The quarterly ratings illustrate a boost in viewership."
This sentence is in active voice. The subject "quarterly ratings" is performing the action of "illustrating" a boost in viewership.

Therefore, the sentence written in passive voice is: "Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations."


If that was not obvious, the topic needs to be reviewed by you.