Gabriella spends 37.5% of her money on food, 28.75% on rent and 15% on books. What percentage of her money is left to spend on other things? *

1 - .375 - .2875 - .15 = ?

100-(37.5+28.75+15) =

To find out what percentage of Gabriella's money is left to spend on other things, you need to subtract the percentages spent on food, rent, and books from 100%.

So, let's start by adding up the percentages she spent:

37.5% + 28.75% + 15% = 81.25%

Now, subtract this sum from 100% to find the remaining percentage:

100% - 81.25% = 18.75%

Therefore, Gabriella has 18.75% of her money left to spend on other things.