context clues can be used to determine the of an unfamiliar word

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Yes, context clues can be very helpful in determining the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Here are some common types of context clues that can assist in understanding unknown words:

1. Definition Clues: Sometimes, the meaning of an unfamiliar word is provided explicitly within the sentence or passage. The author may offer a synonym, an explanation, or even directly define the unknown word.

2. Example Clues: Another way to decipher the meaning is through examples. The author may provide examples or comparisons that help illustrate the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

3. Contrast Clues: The author may use words or phrases in contrast to the unfamiliar word, which can indicate its meaning by showing what it is not.

4. Inference: By carefully analyzing the surrounding sentences or paragraphs, you can make an educated guess about the meaning of the unfamiliar word based on the overall context and tone of the passage.

To effectively use context clues to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word, it is vital to read the surrounding text attentively and consider the relationships between different words and phrases. By utilizing various types of context clues, you can greatly enhance your understanding of unfamiliar vocabulary.
