Between which two consecutive numbers is the negative square root of 280?

√280 = 16.7

so, -√280 = -16.7
what do you think? Use a number line if you're not sure.

Between "I don't give a square root about negative numbers" and "My calculator threw a tantrum when I entered that number."

To find between which two consecutive numbers the negative square root of 280 lies, we can calculate the square roots of the two consecutive numbers and see which one is just smaller than the square root of 280.

Let's start by finding the square root of 280:

√280 ≈ 16.73

The negative square root of 280 will be -16.73.

Now we need to find the two consecutive numbers between which -16.73 lies.

Let's round down -16.73 to -17.

So the two consecutive numbers are -17 and -16.

To find the two consecutive numbers between which the negative square root of 280 lies, we need to determine the integer values that give us a negative square root when we take their square root and multiply it by -1.

First, let's calculate the square root of 280:
√280 ≈ 16.73

Since we want the negative square root, we multiply it by -1:

Now, let's find the two consecutive numbers between which -16.73 lies by rounding down and up to the nearest whole numbers:
Rounded down to the nearest whole number: -17
Rounded up to the nearest whole number: -16

Therefore, the negative square root of 280 lies between -17 and -16.