What is a communist?

A communist is a person who believes that the government should own and manage all means of production.

Check these definitions for more information.



if you look on google it will help you.

mel :)

A communist is a person who adheres to the political and economic ideology of communism. To understand what communism is, we need to delve into its definition and background.

Communism is a socio-political and economic theory advocating for the abolition of private ownership of means of production, such as land and industries. It seeks to establish a classless society where property and wealth are collectively owned and distributed according to individuals' needs. In a communist society, everyone ideally has equal access to resources, opportunities, and outcomes.

To further comprehend the concept of communism, it is helpful to explore the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who developed the ideas behind this ideology. Their seminal work, "The Communist Manifesto," outlines the principles, goals, and historical analysis of class struggle that underpin communism.

If you want a more detailed understanding, I would suggest reading "The Communist Manifesto" itself, or exploring other books on the topic such as Marx's "Capital" or secondary sources that explain communist theories. Additionally, you can study the history of countries that have implemented or experimented with communist systems, such as the former Soviet Union, China, or Cuba.

Furthermore, engaging in discussions with experts, political scientists, or academics who specialize in political ideologies can provide valuable insight into the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of communism as a socio-economic system.