Can someone plz check my answers. Thank you!Which of the following 1.expressions has more than two terms?

2. List a similarity between the expressions q−6rst+3 and 6qr−7st.
A.Both expressions have a constant term.
B.Both expression have three terms.
C.Both expressions have a coefficient of 6 in the term containing the variable r. *******
D. Both expressions have four variables.
I really appreciate it!!!

#1 ok

#2 ok, but also D


To check your answers, let's go through each question and find the correct choices:

1. Which of the following expressions has more than two terms?
To determine the number of terms in an expression, we need to count how many individual terms are separated by addition or subtraction. Let's look at each option:

A. 3x + 2yz: This expression has two terms, 3x and 2yz.

B. a - b + 13c: This expression has three terms, a, -b, and 13c.

C. (14m)(13n): This is not an expression with terms; it is a multiplication of two factors.

D. 17fgh: This expression has only one term, 17fgh.

Therefore, the correct answer is B, a - b + 13c.

2. List a similarity between the expressions q - 6rst + 3 and 6qr - 7st.
To identify the similarity between the expressions, we need to look for a common feature. Let's analyze the choices:

A. Both expressions have a constant term: In both expressions, 3 and -7st are constant terms.

B. Both expressions have three terms: The first expression has three terms (q, -6rst, and 3), but the second expression has four terms (6qr, -7st), so this choice is incorrect.

C. Both expressions have a coefficient of 6 in the term containing the variable r: The first expression has -6rst, but the second expression has 6qr. Therefore, this choice is incorrect.

D. Both expressions have four variables: The first expression has three variables (q, r, and st), while the second expression also has three variables (q, r, and st). Therefore, this choice is incorrect.

Hence, the correct answer is C, both expressions have a coefficient of 6 in the term containing the variable r.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need additional clarification, feel free to ask.