Develop an Algorithm and Flowchart that accept the score/mark of a student in an examination and outputs the grade obtained by the students.

scores = [60,70,80,90,100]

grades = ["F","D","C","B","A"]
read score
for i=1..5
if score <= scores[i] then {grade = grades[i];break}
next i
print grade

Here is an algorithm and a corresponding flowchart to solve the given problem:


1. Start the program.
2. Read the score/mark obtained by the student.
3. Use conditional statements to determine the grade based on the score/mark:
a. If the score/mark is above or equal to 90, assign the grade 'A'.
b. If the score/mark is between 80 and 89, assign the grade 'B'.
c. If the score/mark is between 70 and 79, assign the grade 'C'.
d. If the score/mark is between 60 and 69, assign the grade 'D'.
e. If the score/mark is below 60, assign the grade 'F'.
4. Display the grade obtained by the student.
5. End the program.


Start ---->
Read score/mark
Condition: Score >= 90?
No --------------> Grade = 'A'
Condition: Score >= 80 and Score < 90?
No --------------> Grade = 'B'
Condition: Score >= 70 and Score < 80?
No --------------> Grade = 'C'
Condition: Score >= 60 and Score < 70?
No --------------> Grade = 'D'
Grade = 'F'
Display Grade

Note: This algorithm and flowchart assume that the markings are out of 100.

To create an algorithm and flowchart that accept the score/mark of a student and output the grade obtained, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter the score/mark of the student.
3. Read the input score and store it in a variable.
4. Use conditional statements to determine the grade based on the score range:
a. If the score is between 90 and 100 (inclusive), assign the grade "A".
b. If the score is between 80 and 89, assign the grade "B".
c. If the score is between 70 and 79, assign the grade "C".
d. If the score is between 60 and 69, assign the grade "D".
e. If the score is less than 60, assign the grade "F".
5. Display the grade obtained by the student.
6. Stop the program.

| Start | |
+-------------------------------+ |
| Prompt user to enter the score/mark | |
| Read the input and store it in a variable |
| | |
| +-----------------------------+
| | If the score is between 90-100 |
| +-----------------------------+
| | |
------------------------ | --------------------------
| | | | |
| Assign grade "A" | | | | Display "Grade: A" |
| | | | |
------------------------ | --------------------------
| |
| +-------------------------------+
| | If the score is between 80-89 |
| +-------------------------------+
| | |
| +--------------------------+
| | Assign grade "B" |
| +--------------------------+
| | |
------------------------ | --------------------------
| | | | |
| Print "Grade: B" | | | | Print "Grade: B" |
| | | | |
------------------------ | --------------------------
| |
| +-------------------------------+
| | If the score is between 70-79 |
| +-------------------------------+
| | |
| +---------------------------+
| | Assign grade "C" |
| +---------------------------+
| | |
----------------------- | --------------------------
| | | | |
| Print "Grade: C" | | | | Print "Grade: C" |
| | | | |
----------------------- | --------------------------
| |
| +-------------------------------+
| | If the score is between 60-69 |
| +-------------------------------+
| | |
| +---------------------------+
| | Assign grade "D" |
| +---------------------------+
| | |
---------------------- | ---------------------------
| | | | |
| Print "Grade: D" | | | | Print "Grade: D" |
| | | | |
---------------------- | ---------------------------
| |
| +-------------------------------+
| | If the score is less than 60 |
| +-------------------------------+
| | |
| +---------------------------+
| | Assign grade "F" |
| +---------------------------+
| | |
---------------------- | ---------------------------
| | | | |
| Print "Grade: F" | | | | Print "Grade: F" |
| | | | |
---------------------- | ---------------------------
| |
| +-------------------------------+
| | Stop |
| +-------------------------------+
| |

Note: In the flowchart, the rectangles represent process steps, the diamonds represent decision points (conditional statements), the parallelograms represent input/output, and the arrows represent the flow of control.