A city has an elevation of 465 feet. Another city has an elevation of -45 feet. Which expression can be used to find the difference in their elevations?

To find the difference in the elevations of two cities, you can subtract the elevation of one city from the elevation of the other city. In this case, the first city has an elevation of 465 feet, and the second city has an elevation of -45 feet. So the expression to find the difference in their elevations is:

465 - (-45)

To find the difference in elevation between the two cities, you can subtract the elevation of one city from the elevation of the other city. In this case, if City A has an elevation of 465 feet and City B has an elevation of -45 feet, you can use the expression:

465 - (-45)

The subtraction sign (-) is used between the elevations to denote finding the difference. The expression 465 - (-45) simplifies to:

465 + 45

= 510

Therefore, the expression 465 - (-45) or 465 + 45 can be used to find the difference in elevation between the two cities, which is 510 feet.

difference = 465 - (-45)

= 465 + 45
= ...