what is franz marcs most famous painting(appart from the yellow cow)

One of his greatest paintings (although I can't say it's #2 after the Yellow Cow, is the Turm der Blauen Pferde (Tower of Blue Horses, 1913; this painting has been missing since World War II.


The consensus is "Large Blue Horses".

Franz Marc, a German painter, is well-known for his contributions to the Expressionist movement. Apart from "The Yellow Cow," one of his most famous paintings is "Blue Horse I." To determine another famous painting by Franz Marc, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by searching for Franz Marc's artworks using an internet search engine or an art database. This will give you access to a wide range of his works.
2. Look for lists or compilations of his most renowned paintings. Various websites, art historians, or art institutions often curate such lists.
3. Cross-reference multiple sources to identify a consistently mentioned and highly regarded painting of Franz Marc, apart from "The Yellow Cow."
4. Some notable paintings by Franz Marc include "The Tower of Blue Horses," "Fate of the Animals," "The Red Horses," and "Animal Destinies." These are considered some of his most iconic works alongside "Blue Horse I."

Remember, artistic preferences and opinions may vary, so the appraisal of Franz Marc's most famous painting might differ across different individuals or experts.