Please help me factorise 8m-24mn

8m - 24mn = 8m*1 - 8m*3n

so, now just apply the distributive property.

I think it's wrong


To factorize the expression 8m - 24mn, we can find the greatest common factor (GCF) for the terms 8m and -24mn and factor it out.

Step 1: Identify the GCF
The GCF is the largest common factor that can be divided evenly into both terms. In this case, the GCF is 8m, as it can be divided by both 8m and -24mn.

Step 2: Factor out the GCF
To factor out the GCF, divide each term by the GCF and then write the result outside parentheses. The remaining factor(s) should be written inside the parentheses.

8m - 24mn = 8m(1 - 3n)

Therefore, the factorization of 8m - 24mn is 8m(1 - 3n).