Graph both figures on graph paper and label all points correctly
Write the rule for the translation
Triangle KLM with K(0,0) L(-3,5) M(1,3)
Triangle K"L'M' with K'(2,-3) L'(-1,2) M(3,0)
Quadrilateral CDEF with C(1,2) D(-3,2) E(-1,-1) F(4,0)
Quadrilateral C"D'E'F' with C'(-1,-1) D'(-5,-2) E'(-3,-5) F'(2,-4)
Graph the original figure on the graph and label points
Graph the new translated figure on the graph paper and label points
Write a complete sentence describing the translation
Write the new coordinates for the translation
Triangle FGH when F(2,2) G(4,4) H(0,3) (x,y) (x+1, y-3)
Petagon ACDGF when A(-1,-3) C(0,-5) D(1,-1) G(0,2) F(-3,0) (x,y) (x-2, y+3)

They have told you that the figures are translated.

for KLM→K'L'M', note that
(0,0) →(2,-3)
That shows a translation of (2,-3)
So just check that L and M are shifted by the same amount.

Follow the same steps for the other figures.