A proposed set of statements or principles used to explain a group a facts or natural phenomena is a

A. Law
B. Question
C. Set of data
D. Conclusion
E. Theory

From Google:

Theory definition , a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.


E. Theory

The correct answer is E. Theory.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the options and explain why each one may or may not be the correct choice:

A. Law: A law is a statement or principle that describes an observed phenomenon or pattern in nature. Laws describe what happens but do not necessarily explain why it happens. For example, Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation describes the force of gravity but does not explain why objects are attracted to each other. Therefore, this choice is not correct.

B. Question: A question is simply an inquiry or query, and it does not fit the description of a proposed set of statements or principles used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena. Therefore, this choice is not correct.

C. Set of data: A set of data refers to a collection of information or observations, but it does not capture the concept of statements or principles used to explain facts or phenomena. Therefore, this choice is not correct.

D. Conclusion: A conclusion is an inference or deduction drawn from evidence or premises. While a conclusion can be based on a proposed set of statements or principles, it does not itself represent those statements or principles. Therefore, this choice is not correct.

E. Theory: A theory is a proposed set of statements or principles that are used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena. It provides a framework for understanding and predicting observable phenomena and seeks to explain the underlying mechanisms or causes behind those phenomena. Theories are based on extensive observations, experiments, and evidence, and they are subject to refinement or revision as new information becomes available. Therefore, this choice is correct.

To summarize, a proposed set of statements or principles used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena is referred to as a theory.