which landscape region of NY is composed of low hills of sorted sediments of Cretaceous and Pleistocene age?

1 the hudson- mohawk lowlands
2 the atlantic coastal plain
3 the complain lowlands
4 the erie- ontario lowlands.

is it 4

sorry it is not sorted.. it is "unsorted"

is it 1?

To determine which landscape region of New York is composed of low hills of sorted sediments of Cretaceous and Pleistocene age, we can analyze the given options and their geological characteristics.

1. The Hudson-Mohawk Lowlands: This region is primarily characterized by broad, low-lying valleys and floodplains formed by the Hudson and Mohawk rivers. It is not composed of low hills of sorted sediments, so it is not the correct answer.

2. The Atlantic Coastal Plain: This region is primarily located along the eastern shoreline of New York and is characterized by gently rolling plains and coastal features. While it does have sediment deposits, they are primarily younger Tertiary and Quaternary sediments, not specifically Cretaceous and Pleistocene sediments, so it is not the correct answer.

3. The Catskill Mountains: It seems like you may have mentioned "complain lowlands" instead of the actual option. If you meant the Catskill Mountains, this region is characterized by rugged and forested mountains, not low hills, so it is not the correct answer.

4. The Erie-Ontario Lowlands: This region, located in western New York along the Great Lakes, is composed of low rolling hills that were formed by sorted sediments of both Cretaceous and Pleistocene age. Therefore, it is the correct answer.

Based on the descriptions and geological characteristics, the correct answer is indeed option 4: the Erie-Ontario Lowlands.