To which subsets of real numbers does the number -22 belong? Choose all subsets that apply.

1: whole numbers
2: rational numbers
3: integers
4: irrational numbers
5: natural numbers

How can it be a rational number and an irrational number at the same time?

Are you just guessing?
More like 2 and 3.

1. -2a -12

2. rational numbers, integers
3. 6(b-p)
4. 360
5. 98
6. To find the length of a side of the square field, we need to find the square root of its area. The square root of 479 is approximately 21.9.

Since the length of a side cannot be a decimal, we need to round our answer to the nearest foot.

Rounding 21.9 to the nearest whole number gives us 22.

Therefore, the approximate length of a side of the field is 22 feet.

just took the distributive property quiz!! hope this helps :)

thanks Reiny



Thanks reiny, Thats correct.

a freshman trying to survive is right 5000%

I think its 2 and 4