Yesterday, between noon and midnight, the temperature dropped by 29.5°F. If the temperature was -3.4°F at midnight, what was it at noon?

To find the temperature at noon, we need to calculate the difference between noon and midnight and subtract it from the midnight temperature.

Step 1: Calculate the temperature difference.
The temperature dropped by 29.5°F between noon and midnight.

Step 2: Subtract the temperature difference from the midnight temperature.
If the temperature at midnight was -3.4°F, we subtract 29.5°F from -3.4°F.

-3.4°F - 29.5°F = -32.9°F

Therefore, the temperature at noon was -32.9°F.

To find the temperature at noon, we can subtract the temperature drop from the temperature at midnight.

First, let's calculate the difference between noon and midnight. There are 12 hours between noon and midnight.

To find the temperature drop per hour, we divide the total temperature drop by the number of hours:

Temperature drop per hour = Total temperature drop / Number of hours
Temperature drop per hour = 29.5°F / 12 hours
Temperature drop per hour ≈ 2.458°F

Now, we can subtract the temperature drop per hour from the temperature at midnight to find the temperature at noon:

Temperature at noon = Temperature at midnight - (Temperature drop per hour × Number of hours)
Temperature at noon = -3.4°F - (2.458°F × 12 hours)
Temperature at noon ≈ -3.4°F - 29.496°F
Temperature at noon ≈ -32.896°F

Therefore, the temperature at noon was approximately -32.896°F.

T - 29.5 = -3.4

T = 29.5-3.4 = ____