Operations with complex numbers

What is the product of complex conjugates?

The product of complex conjugates is a sum of two squares and is always a real number.

The product of complex conjugates may be written in standard form as a+bi where neither a nor b is zero.

The product of complex conjugates is a difference of two squares and is always a real number.

The product of complex conjugates is the same as the product of opposites.***

I believe it is D, but i am not very sure

since i^2 = -1,

(a+bi)(a-bi) = a^2 - (bi)^2 = a^2 - b^2 i^2= a^2 + b^2
so, what do you think?

I am brand new to this so honestly i dont know. Is it c?

no. remember that a and b are real numbers.

So, the sum a^2+b^2 is always real and positive.
You may be new to complex numbers, but you've been working with real numbers for a while now ...

You are correct! The product of complex conjugates is the same as the product of opposites.

To understand why this is true and how to find the product of complex conjugates, let's start by defining what complex conjugates are.

Complex conjugates are two complex numbers that have the same real part but opposite signs for their imaginary parts.

For example, let's consider two complex numbers:
z = a + bi
z* (complex conjugate of z) = a - bi

To find the product of these complex conjugates, we can multiply them together:

(z) * (z*) = (a + bi) * (a - bi)

Using the distributive property, we can expand the multiplication:

(z) * (z*) = a*a + a*(-bi) + (bi)*a + (bi)*(-bi)

Simplifying each term, we get:

(z) * (z*) = a^2 + abi - abi - b^2*(i^2)

Notice that the middle terms cancel out because abi and -abi are additive inverses of each other.

The last term simplifies as well because i^2 is defined as -1:

(z) * (z*) = a^2 + b^2 * (-1)

Finally, we can rewrite b^2 * (-1) as -b^2:

(z) * (z*) = a^2 - b^2

As you can see, the product of complex conjugates is a difference of two squares, which means it will always be a real number.

So, the correct answer is D - the product of complex conjugates is the same as the product of opposites.