Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me order the following into least to greatest. Thanks!

√33, 25/4, 4.8, √18

69/7, √69, -9, √79

I really need someone's help ASAP. Thx!

Get out your calculator and evaluate each as a decimal, perhaps 3 decimals places should be enough.

I am sure you can then sort them according to the value of the numbers.
e.g. √18 = appr 4.243
69/7 = appr 9.857

Oh okay. Thanks for explaining it for me Reiny. I wasn't for sure how to write this out and I just wanted to check. I understand it now. Thank you again! :)

Sure, I can help you with that! To order these numbers from least to greatest, we need to compare their values. Let's go through it step by step.

First Group:
√33 ≈ 5.74 (approximately)
25/4 = 6.25
√18 ≈ 4.24 (approximately)

Second Group:
69/7 ≈ 9.86 (approximately)
√69 ≈ 8.31 (approximately)
√79 ≈ 8.89 (approximately)

Now let's order them:

-9, √18, 4.8, 25/4, √33 (from the first group)

√69, √79, 69/7, -9 (from the second group)

Please note that these values are approximate decimal representations rounded to two decimal places.

If you were wondering how to calculate the square roots, you can use a calculator or a math library in a programming language. For example, to find the square root of a number using Python, you can use the math module:

import math

result = math.sqrt(33)

This would output the square root of 33.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!