Which method of showing Earth's surface relies on a network of orbital satellites?

digital maps

geographic information systems (GISs)

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Mercator projection

what are the answers

its c gps

The method of showing Earth's surface that relies on a network of orbital satellites is:

C. Global Positioning System (GPS)

The method of showing Earth's surface that relies on a network of orbital satellites is the Global Positioning System (GPS). To understand why, let me explain how GPS works and how it enables us to view Earth's surface.

GPS is a navigation system that uses a network of satellites in Earth's orbit. These satellites constantly transmit signals that can be received by GPS receivers on the ground. GPS receivers calculate their position on Earth by measuring the time it takes for signals from multiple satellites to reach them.

By using signals from multiple satellites, GPS receivers can determine their latitude, longitude, and altitude with a high degree of accuracy. This information can then be used to show Earth's surface in various ways. For example, GPS can be used to create digital maps, which are graphical representations of Earth's surface stored in electronic format.

Digital maps can be accessed on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. They provide detailed information about roads, landmarks, and other geographic features. This method relies on GPS technology to accurately display the user's location and track their movement on the map.

So, to answer your question, the method of showing Earth's surface that relies on a network of orbital satellites is the Global Positioning System (GPS).