Identify whether to use pore or pour in this sentence.

Mia ______ over her copy of The Count of Monte Cristo; she couldn’t put it down.
Choose 1 answer:



Read carefully and let me know what you decide.

To determine which word, "pore" or "pour," to use in the given sentence, we need to understand the meanings of these words and their appropriateness in the context.

1. "Pore" (verb): To study or read closely and attentively; to examine or scrutinize.

2. "Pour" (verb): To cause to flow in a steady stream; to transfer or empty the contents of a container.

Based on the context of the sentence, where Mia is engrossed in reading The Count of Monte Cristo, the correct word to use is "pored." This indicates that Mia is studying or reading the book closely and attentively.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) pored.

The answer is poured.