Write each answer in polynomial in simplest form

The cost of 12 gallons of gas is represented by 12x, and the cost of a quart of oil is represented by 2x - 30.Represent the cost of 12 gallons of gas and a quart of oil.

just add the two expressions.

To represent the cost of 12 gallons of gas and a quart of oil, we need to add the cost of 12 gallons of gas (12x) to the cost of a quart of oil (2x - 30).

So, the cost of 12 gallons of gas and a quart of oil can be represented by the expression:

12x + (2x - 30).

To simplify this expression, we combine like terms.

12x + 2x - 30

= (12x + 2x) - 30

= 14x - 30.

Therefore, the cost of 12 gallons of gas and a quart of oil is represented by the polynomial 14x - 30 in its simplest form.