Change these sentence to passive voice, (a),(The farmer sold many bags of rice)

Study the differences between active voice and passive voice here.
Your sentence is currently in active voice; that is, the subject (farmer) is doing the action of the verb (sold).
After you study this webpage, let us know how you’ll rewrite the sentence to keep the same meaning. Start with "Many bags … "

Many bags of rice is sold by the farmer


Change “is” to “are” because the subject (bags) is plural, and your new sentence will be correct. 😃

To change the sentence "(a) The farmer sold many bags of rice" to passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject and the object in the original sentence. In this case, the subject is "the farmer" and the object is "many bags of rice."

2. Move the object to the beginning of the sentence while keeping the subject.

"(a) Many bags of rice were sold by the farmer."

3. Add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle form of the main verb "sold."

"(a) Many bags of rice were sold by the farmer."

4. Optionally, you can include the preposition "by" before the doer of the action (in this case, "the farmer"), but it is not necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

"(a) Many bags of rice were sold by the farmer."