7ducks eat 20 lbs of bread in 12 days. How long would it take 14 ducks

Equation set up

common sense solution:

if 7ducks eat 20 lbs of bread in 12 days .....

then twice as many ducks will eat twice as much food in the same time
or twice as many ducks will eat the same amount of food in half the time

Since you didn't ask a question, who is to know ...


To set up the equation, we need to establish the relationship between the number of ducks and the time taken to eat the bread. We can use the concept of proportionality.

Let's denote:
D1 = the number of ducks in the first scenario (7 ducks)
D2 = the number of ducks in the second scenario (14 ducks)
T1 = the time taken in the first scenario (12 days)
T2 = the time taken in the second scenario (unknown)

We can assume that the amount of bread consumed is directly proportional to the number of ducks and inversely proportional to the time taken. Thus, the equation can be set up as follows:

(Ducks)*(Time) = (Amount of bread consumed)

For the first scenario, we have:
(7 ducks) * (12 days) = 20 lbs of bread

Now, for the second scenario, we want to find the time taken (T2) when there are 14 ducks:
(14 ducks) * (T2 days) = 20 lbs of bread

To find T2, we rearrange the equation:
T2 = (20 lbs of bread) / (14 ducks)

Thus, the equation setup is:
T2 = 20 lbs of bread / 14 ducks