On a trip, Mrs. Harper drove 188 miles in 4 hours. On the return trip she took a different route and traveled 197 miles in 4.5 hours. What was the average speed of the trip?

Total distance = 188 + 197 = 385 km

Total time = 4 + 4.5 = 8,5 h

Average speed = Total distance / Total time =

385 / 8.5 = 45.294 km /h

Sorry your unit is a mile, not a kilometer.

To find the average speed of the trip, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total distance. Mrs. Harper drove 188 miles in one direction and 197 miles on the return trip, so the total distance is 188 + 197 = 385 miles.

Next, let's calculate the total time taken. Mrs. Harper drove for 4 hours on the outbound trip and 4.5 hours on the return trip, so the total time is 4 + 4.5 = 8.5 hours.

Finally, we can calculate the average speed by dividing the total distance by the total time:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 385 miles / 8.5 hours

To simplify the calculation, we can convert 8.5 hours to minutes, which is 8.5 x 60 = 510 minutes.

Average Speed = 385 miles / 510 minutes

Now we can calculate the average speed:

Average Speed ≈ 0.755 miles per minute

To convert the speed to miles per hour (mph), we need to multiply by 60:

Average Speed ≈ 0.755 miles per minute x 60 minutes per hour

Average Speed ≈ 45.3 mph

Therefore, the average speed of the trip is approximately 45.3 miles per hour.