The wavelengths of various colours of light can vary. Violet light can have a wavelength of 400 nm and red light can have a wavelength of 700 nm.

If these two colours of light pass by a very sharp edge such as a razor blade, which light will bring about the greater diffraction?

As wavelength increases, diffraction angle increases.

so it will be the red light. am i right?

To determine which color of light will bring about greater diffraction when passing through a sharp edge like a razor blade, we need to understand the relationship between diffraction and wavelength.

Diffraction is the bending or spreading out of waves when they encounter an obstacle or pass through a narrow aperture. The amount of diffraction depends on the wavelength of the light and the size of the obstacle or aperture. Generally, shorter wavelengths diffract less, while longer wavelengths diffract more.

In this case, violet light with a wavelength of 400 nm is shorter than red light with a wavelength of 700 nm. Therefore, violet light will bring about greater diffraction when passing through a sharp edge such as a razor blade. Shorter wavelengths result in greater bending or spreading out of the light waves, leading to more pronounced diffraction effects.

To recap, when comparing violet light (400 nm) and red light (700 nm) passing through a sharp edge, violet light will exhibit greater diffraction.