A village contains n people.A medical team inoculates m people each day against yellow fever.After four days,how many people still need to be inoculated .

each day m are inoculated

after 4 days, 4m are inoculated, leaving
n - 4m still to be done

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To solve this problem, we need to determine the number of people inoculated each day and subtract that from the total number of people in the village.

1. Calculate the total number of people inoculated over four days:
Total inoculated = m * 4

2. Determine the number of people still needing to be inoculated:
Remaining = n - Total inoculated

Therefore, the number of people still needing to be inoculated after four days is Remaining.

To find out how many people still need to be inoculated after four days, we can subtract the number of people inoculated each day from the total number of people in the village.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Start with the total number of people in the village, which is 'n'.
2. Assume that the number of people inoculated each day is 'm'.
3. Multiply the number of people inoculated each day by the number of days (in this case, 4) to find the total number of people who have been inoculated so far: 4 * m.
4. Subtract the total number of people inoculated (4 * m) from the total number of people in the village (n) to find the number of people who still need to be inoculated: n - (4 * m).

So, the formula to calculate the number of people who still need to be inoculated after four days is:

Number of people still need to be inoculated = n - (4 * m)