you are visiting your sister and her family for the weekend. You notice that her home contains four televisions sets including one in each of your 3- and 6- year old nephew's rooms. They are allowed to watch whatever they want whenever they want because they only get network channels not cable channels in their rooms. After reading the effects of television in general and violence in the media in particular, share your concerns with your sister about possible outcomes

I need help on this one i need opinions

ahh, think of your childhood. Do your parents allow you to watch TV like that? My parents are just like that. So, I will tell you what my elementary school teachers told me when I was a kid. Children are like curious george, courious monkey. What they see is what they do. So, the more noneducational TV they watch, the more they will copy and act like what they see on TV in real life such as fight,gun violent, sex, murder...

This is the THIRD time you've posted this. No replies, yes? That means 1) no one here knows or 2) no one has opinions on this topic. Please don't post this again, but have patience to see if anyone else comes online today.

When discussing your concerns about the presence of four television sets, including ones in the rooms of your 3- and 6-year-old nephews, it's important to approach the conversation with tact and understanding. Here are a few points you can raise:

1. Excessive screen time: Research shows that excessive screen time, especially for young children, can negatively impact their development. It can hinder creativity, imagination, and impair their ability to focus on other activities or interact with peers.

2. Unregulated content: Although your nephews may only have access to network channels, it's still a good idea to discuss the importance of monitoring the content they are exposed to. Television shows and movies can be filled with violence, aggression, and inappropriate language, even on network channels. It's crucial to consider the potential impact these types of content can have on their young minds.

3. Cognitive development: Children at such a young age are still developing their cognitive abilities. Watching excessive television can limit their exposure to diverse stimuli, which is essential for their cognitive growth and development. Encouraging other activities like reading books, engaging in imaginative play, or outdoor activities can help nurture their cognitive skills.

4. Social interaction: Excessive television viewing can also limit opportunities for social interaction and bonding with family members and peers. Engaging in activities together, such as playing games, going for outings, or spending quality time together, can foster better social skills and family relationships.

Instead of sounding judgmental or critical, it's important to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Share your concerns in a non-confrontational manner, focusing on the potential long-term effects on your nephews' overall well-being, development, and happiness. Additionally, offer alternative activities or suggestions that can replace some of their screen time, promoting a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.