In a scaled drawing, 1 millimeter represents meters. How many square millimeters on the drawing represent 1 square meter?

A. 1/22,500
B. 150/22,500
C. 120
D. 22,500

missing information, but from the appearance of the digits 225 in the answers, I will

conclude that 1 mm represents 15 metres.

15 m ----> 1 mm
15^2 m^2 ----> 1 mm^2
225 m^2 ----> 1 mm^2
1 m^2 = 1/225 mm^2

Don't see that, so my assumption was off, or else the question is off.
You decide what the given ratio was, then fix it accordingly

sorry it was 150

so did you make the necessary changes to my reply ?

1mm = 150m

(1/150)mm = 1m.
(1/150)^2mm^2 = 1m^2
(1/22,500)mm^2 = 1m^2.

To find the number of square millimeters on the drawing that represent 1 square meter, we need to square the scale factor.

In this case, the scale factor is 1 millimeter representing 1 meter. Since 1 meter is equal to 1000 millimeters, the scale factor is 1/1000.

To find the square of this scale factor, multiply it by itself:
(1/1000) * (1/1000) = 1/1000000

Now, we know that 1 square meter is represented by 1/1000000 square millimeters on the drawing.

To simplify the answer options, it is helpful to convert 1/1000000 to a fraction with a denominator of 22,500.

To do this, notice that 22,500 = 1000000 / 44.4444... (approximately)

Now, multiply 1/1000000 by 44.4444...:
(1/1000000) * (1000000 / 44.4444...) = 1 / 44.4444...

Since the simplified fraction 1/44.4444... is equivalent to 22,500 / 1, the answer is:

A. 1/22,500