In 1885, European leaders at the Berlin Conference agreed to the rules for dividing African territory. How did this agreement change the geographic characteristics of Africa?

a)Large wildlife reserves were created throughout Africa.

b)Ethnic groups were able to keep their existing land holdings.

c)The deserts were reduced as a result of European land use practices.

d)Boundary lines were determined by political claims rather than cultural characteristics of regions.


Its D

Thanks Luci!

Yes, option C is incorrect. The agreement made at the Berlin Conference did not directly affect the size or extent of deserts in Africa.

The correct answer is option D. The agreement and subsequent colonization of Africa by European powers resulted in boundary lines being determined by political claims rather than the cultural characteristics or existing territories of African regions. European leaders decided how to divide and colonize Africa based on their own interests and political ambitions, often disregarding the diverse ethnic groups and communities already living in the region. Arbitrary borders were drawn across the continent, splitting up existing tribal lands and often causing conflicts and tensions between different ethnic groups. This division had a lasting impact on the geographic characteristics of Africa, shaping its political landscape and causing long-term conflicts.

Not C.

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