In an experiment with children designed to test the effects of motivation, children who received the expected award were most likely to draw that those who were given the unexpected reward.

True or false

which of the following is the best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin in intake?
a. eat 6-8 times per day
b. takes vitamin and mineral supplements
c. eat breakfast cereals which contain 100 per cent of the day's nutrients and vitamins
d. eat a well balanced diet ****

Four year old, Justin learned to read in pre-school, despite much struggle. Although his preschool considered him successful, his teacher in the developmental kindergarten he attended suspected that he had not been allowed enough time to play while in preschool.
true or false

According to epigenetic theory, many gender differences are genetically based.
true or false

if you had limited funds and could only afford to support a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention program regarding maltreatment, where would you target your money? Why?

please help

Proofread your work before you post it, "draw thaN" If both were rewarded, either expected or not, they will both be likely to continue the task.

Agree with d.

Don't know how teacher came to that conclusion with Justin.

From Google:
Epigenetics in Psychology. ... Moreover, epigenetics in psychology provides a framework for understanding how the expression of genes is influenced by experiences and the environment to produce individual differences in behavior, cognition, personality, and mental health.

There are 3 levels of disease prevention: Primary Prevention - trying to prevent yourself from getting a disease. Secondary Prevention - trying to detect a disease early and prevent it from getting worse. Tertiary Prevention - trying to improve your quality of life and reduce the symptoms of a disease you already have.

You make your choices.


D. Eat a well balanced diet



When it comes to limited funds, it is often more effective to target primary prevention programs. Primary prevention aims to prevent maltreatment before it occurs by addressing risk factors and promoting healthy family dynamics. By focusing on primary prevention, you can potentially stop maltreatment from happening in the first place, which is more cost-effective and beneficial in the long run.

1. True: In an experiment that tests the effects of motivation on children, those who received the expected award are more likely to draw than those who were given the unexpected reward.

2. D. Eat a well-balanced diet: The best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake is to eat a well-balanced diet. This means including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your daily meals.

3. True: The statement is true. The teacher in the developmental kindergarten suspected that Justin had not been allowed enough time to play in preschool, indicating that he may not have had enough time for developmental activities.

4. False: According to epigenetic theory, many gender differences are not solely genetically based. Epigenetics suggests that gene expression can be influenced by various environmental factors, such as socialization and upbringing.

5. If you had limited funds and could only support one prevention program regarding maltreatment, it would be best to target your money towards primary prevention. Primary prevention focuses on preventing maltreatment from occurring in the first place by promoting public awareness, education, and resources on child welfare and parenting skills. By addressing the root causes and risk factors associated with maltreatment, primary prevention can help reduce the overall incidence of maltreatment and its consequences.

In an experiment with children designed to test the effects of motivation, children who received the expected award were most likely to draw that those who were given the unexpected reward. True or false

To determine the answer to this question, we need to look at the experiment's findings. If the experiment observed that children who received the expected award were indeed more likely to draw than those who were given the unexpected reward, then the statement is true. However, if the experiment found the opposite result or inconclusive evidence, then the statement is false.

To find out the result of the experiment, you would need to access the study or research article that describes the experiment's methodology, results, and conclusions. This can typically be done by searching for the title or author of the study in an academic database or by consulting relevant scientific literature.


Which of the following is the best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake?

To determine the best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake, we need to evaluate the options provided and consider the principles of proper nutrition. Let's analyze each option:

a. Eating 6-8 times per day: This may help with portion control and maintaining stable blood sugar levels throughout the day, but it does not guarantee adequate nutrition and vitamin intake on its own.

b. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements: While supplements can be useful in certain cases, they should not replace a well-balanced diet and cannot provide all the essential nutrients found in whole foods.

c. Eating breakfast cereals which contain 100% of the day's nutrients and vitamins: This option seems promising if the cereal truly contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. However, it is important to ensure that the cereal is not overly processed and contains real, whole-food ingredients.

d. Eating a well-balanced diet: This option is generally considered the best approach for ensuring adequate nutrition and vitamin intake. A well-balanced diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, providing a wide range of nutrients essential for health.

Based on the principles of proper nutrition, option d. "Eat a well-balanced diet" is the best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake.


Four-year-old Justin learned to read in pre-school, despite much struggle. Although his preschool considered him successful, his teacher in the developmental kindergarten he attended suspected that he had not been allowed enough time to play while in preschool. True or false

To determine the accuracy of this statement, we would need to gather more information about Justin's preschool experience and the observations made by his developmental kindergarten teacher.

The statement suggests that Justin's preschool might not have provided him with enough time for play, which could have influenced his reading development. To assess the truthfulness of this statement, we would need additional evidence from both the preschool and the developmental kindergarten teacher. This might include speaking with the preschool staff and reviewing any reports or evaluations they have on Justin's progress, as well as consulting with the developmental kindergarten teacher to understand their observations and concerns.

Without more information, it is not possible to definitively state whether the statement is true or false.


According to epigenetic theory, many gender differences are genetically based. True or false

To determine the accuracy of this statement, we need to evaluate the principles of epigenetic theory and the existing scientific research. Epigenetic theory suggests that gene expression can be influenced by factors beyond the DNA sequence itself, such as environmental factors or experiences.

While there may be genetic components that contribute to gender differences, it is not accurate to say that many gender differences are genetically based, according to epigenetic theory. Gender differences are believed to emerge from a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, social, cultural, and environmental factors.

To find more accurate information regarding the relationship between gender differences and epigenetics, it is necessary to consult scientific studies, review academic literature, and understand the current consensus among experts in the field.


If you had limited funds and could only afford to support a primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention program regarding maltreatment, where would you target your money? Why?

When deciding where to allocate limited funds for a prevention program regarding maltreatment, it is important to understand the scope and objectives of each prevention level:

1. Primary prevention: Focuses on preventing maltreatment from occurring in the first place by addressing risk factors and promoting healthy behaviors within the general population.

2. Secondary prevention: Aims to intervene early in situations where maltreatment is suspected or starting to occur, in order to reduce the likelihood of harm.

3. Tertiary prevention: Focuses on reducing the negative consequences of maltreatment and providing support for those who have already experienced it.

To determine the best use of funds, it is essential to consider the specific context and resources available. However, generally speaking, primary prevention programs are often considered the most cost-effective and impactful approach. By addressing risk factors, promoting awareness, and providing education and resources to the general population, primary prevention efforts can potentially reduce the overall incidence and impact of maltreatment.

Ultimately, the best course of action would involve a comprehensive understanding of the local community's needs, collaboration with relevant stakeholders such as social service agencies and experts in the field, and careful evaluation of program effectiveness and cost-benefit ratios.