How would you encourage a reluctant peer reviewer?

Leave the room while he is peer reviewing.

Encouraging a reluctant peer reviewer can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can try:

1. Explain the importance: Start by explaining to the reluctant peer reviewer why their feedback and input are valuable. Emphasize that their expertise and insights can greatly improve the quality of the paper being reviewed.

2. Provide clear guidelines: Sometimes, reluctance arises from uncertainty about what is expected. Provide the reviewer with clear guidelines that outline the specific criteria and aspects they should focus on during the review process. This can help them feel more confident and informed about what they need to do.

3. Offer support and assistance: Let the reluctant peer reviewer know that you are available to provide any assistance or answer questions they may have. Assure them that they are not alone in this task and that you are there to support them throughout the process.

4. Share success stories: Share positive experiences or success stories from other peer reviewers to inspire and motivate them. Hearing about the positive impact their feedback can have on authors and the scientific community may help alleviate their reluctance.

5. Recognize and appreciate their efforts: Recognize and appreciate the effort the peer reviewer puts into the review process. Acknowledge their contribution and thank them for their time and expertise. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging reluctant reviewers.

Remember, it is essential to be understanding and patient when working with reluctant peer reviewers. Give them the space and support they need while ensuring they understand the importance of their role in the review process.