(1) Covid- 19 patients who recovered from the disease is socially stigmatized.

a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.
(2) I do not watch zee world because of its excessive adoration of unrealities.
a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.
(3) When I was asleep last night , my dog guarded my stew against invaders.
a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.
(4) I love pens except the pen my that my uncle got for me.
a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.

I’ll be happy to check your answers.

(1) Sentence: "Covid-19 patients who recovered from the disease are socially stigmatized."

a. Grammatical name of the sentence: This sentence is a declarative sentence.
b. Grammatical function of the sentence: The sentence functions as a statement conveying information about the social stigma faced by Covid-19 patients who have recovered from the disease.

(2) Sentence: "I do not watch Zee World because of its excessive adoration of unrealities."
a. Grammatical name of the sentence: This sentence is a complex declarative sentence.
b. Grammatical function of the sentence: The sentence functions as a statement expressing the reason or explanation for the speaker's choice not to watch Zee World.

(3) Sentence: "When I was asleep last night, my dog guarded my stew against invaders."
a. Grammatical name of the sentence: This sentence is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.
b. Grammatical function of the sentence: The sentence functions as a statement describing an action (guarding the stew) that took place while the speaker was asleep.

(4) Sentence: "I love pens except the pen that my uncle got for me."
a. Grammatical name of the sentence: This sentence is a compound sentence.
b. Grammatical function of the sentence: The sentence functions as a statement expressing the speaker's affection for pens in general, with an exception for the specific pen given by the speaker's uncle.