What is Social Darwinism?

A.)the theory that the principle of natural selection applies to humans as well as animals and plants
B.)the idea that other societies have to accept European culture in order to be regarded as civilized
C.)the application of ethics to social issues like poverty, crime, education, and workplace reform
D.)the belief that the social value of an individual or a group can be based on physical appearance

I think it is C. Am I right?

The correct answer is A!!

Not C.


So what is it

No, option C is not correct. Social Darwinism is actually defined as option A: the theory that the principle of natural selection applies to humans as well as animals and plants. It is a belief system that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, influenced by the concept of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Social Darwinists applied the idea of "survival of the fittest" to society, arguing that certain individuals or groups were naturally superior to others. It suggested that the wealthy and powerful were more "fit" and deserving of their privilege, while the poor and disadvantaged were seen as less fit and destined to fail. Social Darwinism is often criticized for its potential to justify social inequality and mistreatment of marginalized groups. To determine the correct answer to this question, it's useful to have a basic understanding of the various options and the historical context behind each concept.