Find the number:

112/100 of which is 56

To find the number when 112/100 of it is equal to 56, we can use algebra.

Let's assume the number we are looking for is represented by "x". According to the given information, we know that (112/100) * x = 56.

To find the value of "x", we can start by rearranging the equation to isolate "x".

Dividing both sides of the equation by 112/100, we get:

x = 56 / (112/100)

Simplifying further, we can write this as:

x = 56 * (100/112)

When we multiply 56 by (100/112), we get:

x = 50

So, the number we are looking for is 50.

(112/100) x = 56 = 7*8

112 x = 7*8*100
14 x = 700
2 x = 100
x = 50
112/2 = 56 sure enough