Mercury's average distance from the sun is 57,910,000 km. The Earth is approximately 93,000,000 miles from the sun. What would be the distance of a trip from Mercury to Earth, via the Sun. Look out for the units!!! (1 km = 0.62 mi) .Use Scientific Notation to solve this question.

if 1 mile = 1/.62 km

then 93,000,000 mile = 93,000,000(1/.62) km
= 150,000,000 km

add up the two distances,
57,910,000 km + 150,000,000 km
= 207,910,000 km

change this to Scientific Notation

To find the distance of a trip from Mercury to Earth via the Sun, we need to add the distance from Mercury to the Sun and the distance from the Sun to Earth.

Mercury's average distance from the Sun = 57,910,000 km
Earth's average distance from the Sun = 93,000,000 miles
Conversion factor: 1 km = 0.62 mi

First, let's convert the distance from miles to kilometers for Earth:
Distance from Earth to the Sun = 93,000,000 miles * (1 km / 0.62 mi)
Distance from Earth to the Sun = 150,000,000 km

Now, we can add the distance from Mercury to the Sun and the distance from the Sun to Earth:
Total distance = Distance from Mercury to the Sun + Distance from Earth to the Sun
Total distance = 57,910,000 km + 150,000,000 km
Total distance = 207,910,000 km

The distance of a trip from Mercury to Earth via the Sun is approximately 2.0791 * 10^8 km in scientific notation.

To find the distance of a trip from Mercury to Earth, via the Sun, we need to add the distance from Mercury to the Sun to the distance from the Sun to Earth.

Given that Mercury's average distance from the sun is 57,910,000 km and Earth is approximately 93,000,000 miles from the sun, we need to convert one of the distances to have the same unit.

Since the given conversion factor is 1 km = 0.62 mi, we can convert the distance from kilometers to miles, or vice versa, using this conversion factor.

Converting Mercury's distance to miles:
Distance from Mercury to the Sun = 57,910,000 km × 0.62 mi/km.
Distance from Mercury to the Sun = 35,894,200 miles.

Now, we can add the distance from the Sun to Earth to the distance from Mercury to the Sun:
Total distance from Mercury to Earth, via the Sun = Distance from Mercury to the Sun + Distance from the Sun to Earth.
Total distance from Mercury to Earth, via the Sun = 35,894,200 miles + 93,000,000 miles.

Calculating the total distance:
Total distance from Mercury to Earth, via the Sun = 128,894,200 miles.

Therefore, the distance of a trip from Mercury to Earth, via the Sun, is 1.288942 × 10^8 miles (in scientific notation).