hello! I am nine years old, and I have a question. This is my question.

Evaluate the expression when c=5 and d=45 d-6c=??? I don't know how to do it. Can you help me? Thanks!

right on target.

you are correct

One more step
What is 45 - 30 ??

wait, this is still me. Can you tell me if this is right?

45 - 30, because c=5 and it says 6c, so you would do 5 x 6. Then d=45 so yeah. Can you tell me if it is right? Thanks!

45 - 30= 15 Yay! Thanks so much for all your help! You don't know how much this means to me! Thanks!

Hello! Of course, I'd be happy to help you solve the expression.

In the expression "d - 6c", you are given the values of c = 5 and d = 45. To evaluate this expression, you need to substitute those values into the equation and simplify it.

Let's start with the expression "d - 6c". We'll substitute c = 5 and d = 45 into it:

45 - 6 * 5

To simplify this, we'll first perform the multiplication:

45 - 30

And finally, subtract:


So, the value of the expression "d - 6c" when c = 5 and d = 45 is 15.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.