1- Calculate the splitting energy of [Co (NO2) 6] -3 since 364 nm has a single band?

2- 420 micro Siemens value is read in the conductivity device for the complex prepared at the concentration of 1.10-3 M. Calculate the number of ions of the complex?

3- You are asked to prepare 1.10-3 M 15 mL Potassium tri oxalato chromate (III) solution for conductivity measurement studies. Describe the preparation of the solution by making the necessary calculations?

Do you have choices for answers to these?

On #3 is that 1E-3 or 1 x 10^-3 or something different?

In the question 3 (1×10^-3)

Please i need help

1- To calculate the splitting energy of [Co(NO2)6] -3, you need to consider its electronic structure and the observed absorption wavelength. Typically, the splitting energy corresponds to the energy difference between the d-orbitals in a transition metal complex.

First, let's analyze the electronic structure of [Co(NO2)6] -3. Cobalt (Co) has an atomic number of 27, so it has a d^7 electron configuration in its ground state. The NO2 ligand is a strong field ligand, meaning it causes significant splitting of the d-orbitals.

To determine the splitting energy, we need to know the type of splitting (e.g., octahedral, tetrahedral) and the corresponding energy diagrams. However, since you mentioned a single band at a wavelength of 364 nm, it suggests that the complex has a tetrahedral arrangement.

In a tetrahedral coordination, the d-orbitals split into two energy groups: eg and t2g. The splitting energy (Δ) is the energy difference between these two groups.

To calculate Δ, you can use the empirical equation Δ ≈ (hc) / λ, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s), c is the speed of light (3.0 x 10^8 m/s), and λ is the wavelength of absorption (364 nm = 3.64 x 10^-7 m).

Δ ≈ (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s * 3.0 x 10^8 m/s) / (3.64 x 10^-7 m)

By performing this calculation, you can find the approximate value of the splitting energy in joules.

2- To calculate the number of ions in the complex based on its conductivity value, concentration, and conductivity device measurement, you need to apply the equation:

Conductivity (σ) = (Concentration (C) * charge^2 * mobility) / (Faraday's constant * volume)

The conductivity value is given as 420 micro Siemens, which needs to be converted to Siemens by dividing by 1,000,000. The concentration is 1.10^-3 M, and we need to determine the number of ions present.

Now, rearrange the equation to solve for the number of ions (N):

N = (Conductivity * volume * Faraday's constant) / (Concentration * charge^2 * mobility)

Substitute the given values:

N = (420 x 10^-6 S * volume * 96,485 C/mol * M) / (1.10^-3 mol/L * charge^2 * mobility)

The charge^2 corresponds to the number of charges squared associated with the complex ion.

By plugging in the values and performing the calculation, you can find the number of ions in the complex.

3- To prepare a 1.10^-3 M 15 mL potassium trioxalatochromate(III) solution, you need to calculate the amount of potassium trioxalatochromate(III) needed.

First, let's convert the volume to liters:

Volume = 15 mL = 15 x 10^-3 L

Now, we can use the formula:

Concentration (C) = moles (n) / volume (V)

Rearranging the equation to solve for moles:

Moles (n) = Concentration (C) x Volume (V)

Plugging in the given values:

Moles = 1.10^-3 M x 15 x 10^-3 L

By multiplying the concentration by the volume, you can find the number of moles of potassium trioxalatochromate(III) needed.

Remember to consider the stoichiometry of the compound to ensure accurate preparation.