Why is Avogadro’s number referred to as a mole?

A The name "mole" is an 1897 translation of the German Mol, coined by Wilhelm Ostwald in 1893. The name is assumed to be derived from the German word Molekül (molecule).
B There is no relationship between Avogadro’s number and the mole.
C Avogadro’s number is often the denominator in mathematical equations, so it was given the name the mole to describe its burrowing characteristics.
D Two different people, Avogadro and Mole discovered the number at the same time, therefore they share its name.

The correct answer is A. The name "mole" is an 1897 translation of the German Mol, coined by Wilhelm Ostwald in 1893. The name is assumed to be derived from the German word Molekül (molecule). To arrive at this answer, you could do some research on the history of the term "mole" and its connection to Avogadro's number. Read about the contributions of Wilhelm Ostwald and the origin of the term in German. Additionally, you could check reliable sources like textbooks, scientific articles, or academic websites to gather more information on the subject.

The correct answer is A. The name "mole" is an 1897 translation of the German Mol, coined by Wilhelm Ostwald in 1893. The name is assumed to be derived from the German word Molekül (molecule).

number of MOLEcules in a gram molecular mass
