Classify the triangle by it's angles and sides. Explain how you knew which classification to use.( I need this to keep up my grade!!!)

sides: scalene, isosceles, equilateral

angles: acute, right, obtuse
If those words are unfamiliar, it's time to start studying

and that's its not it's in this context.

by the way you did not help her/him...

their name was 'PLEASE HELP' and you failed to help her.


this is a site for cheating not for being mean so stop fighting please

To classify a triangle by its angles, you need to determine whether the triangle is acute, obtuse, or right-angled. To classify a triangle by its sides, you need to determine if it is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.

To determine the triangle's angles, you will need to measure each angle and analyze their values.

1. Acute Triangle: If all three angles of a triangle are less than 90 degrees, then it is an acute triangle.
2. Obtuse Triangle: If one angle in a triangle is greater than 90 degrees, then it is an obtuse triangle.
3. Right-Angled Triangle: If one angle in a triangle measures exactly 90 degrees, then it is a right-angled triangle.

To determine the triangle's sides, you need to examine the lengths of the sides.

1. Equilateral Triangle: If all three sides of a triangle are equal in length, then it is an equilateral triangle.
2. Isosceles Triangle: If two sides of a triangle are equal in length, then it is an isosceles triangle.
3. Scalene Triangle: If all three sides of a triangle have different lengths, then it is a scalene triangle.

To classify a given triangle, you need to measure the angles and the sides of the triangle. Measure the angles using a protractor or use the given angle measurements. Measure the sides using a ruler or use the given side lengths. By comparing the measurements to the definitions above, you can classify the triangle by both its angle and side properties.

