Which is the effect of producing antibodies that attach to last season's flu virus?

A. get this season's flu virus
B. receive this season's flu vaccine
C. immune to last season's flu virus
D. get infected by last season's flu virus

The correct answer is C. Producing antibodies that attach to last season's flu virus can result in being immune to that virus from the previous season. It does not necessarily mean that you will get this season's flu virus (option A) or receive this season's flu vaccine (option B). This is because the antibodies you produce against the previous season's flu virus may not be effective against the current season's flu virus. While having antibodies against the previous season's flu virus can provide some general immunity, it does not guarantee protection against all strains of the flu virus. Option D, getting infected by last season's flu virus, is also incorrect because if you produce enough antibodies against it, your immune system should be able to fight off the virus and prevent you from getting infected again.