Ursula has a bank account balance of $60.Her bank charges a fee of $34 for each overdraft. She makes a purchase of $25.17 today, and purchases of $45.76 and $24.36 tomorrow.

What is her account balance after the bank applies the overdraft fees?







To calculate Ursula's account balance after the bank applies the overdraft fees, we need to subtract the fees from her initial balance.

1. Start with Ursula's initial balance of $60.
2. She makes a purchase of $25.17, so subtract this amount from her balance: $60 - $25.17 = $34.83.
3. Since this balance is negative, it means she overdrafted her account. In this case, the bank will charge a fee of $34. Subtract the fee from her balance: $34.83 - $34 = $0.83.
4. Tomorrow, Ursula makes two more purchases. Subtract the first purchase of $45.76 from her balance: $0.83 - $45.76 = -$44.93.
5. Again, her balance is negative and she overdrafted, so the bank will charge another fee of $34. Subtract the fee: -$44.93 - $34 = -$78.93.
6. Now subtract the second purchase of $24.36 from her balance: -$78.93 - $24.36 = -$103.29.

Therefore, Ursula's account balance after the bank applies the overdraft fees is -$103.29. So the correct answer is - $103.29.