12. Mixing red and blue gives purple, blue and yellow gives green, and red and yellow gives orange.

A spinner is blue and red. Another one is blue, red, and yellow.

If the pointers of both spinners are spun, find each probability.

a) The resulting colour is purple.
The color red on the first board is ½ or 50/50 the chance to get blue on the second is

b) The resulting colour is green.

c) The resulting colour is orange.

A spinner is 1/2blue and1/2 red. Another one is1/3 blue,1/3 red, and1/3 yellow.

a) P(red,blue) = 1/2 * 1/3 = 1/6

P(blue,red) = 1/2 * 1/3 = 1/6
so, P(purple) = 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3

The others are similar, but even easier.

To find the probability of each event, we need to consider the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

a) The resulting color is purple:
- On the first spinner, the chances of getting red are 1 out of 2, since there are two options: red and blue.
- On the second spinner, the chances of getting blue are 1 out of 3, since there are three options: blue, red, and yellow.
To find the overall probability, we multiply the probabilities of each spinner:
1/2 (red) * 1/3 (blue) = 1/6 or approximately 0.1667 (16.67%).

b) The resulting color is green:
- On the first spinner, there is no green option.
- On the second spinner, the chances of getting blue and yellow are both 1 out of 3.
Since there is no way to get green by combining red and blue, the probability of getting green is 0%.

c) The resulting color is orange:
- On the first spinner, the chances of getting red are 1 out of 2.
- On the second spinner, the chances of getting yellow are 1 out of 3.
To find the overall probability, we multiply the probabilities of each spinner:
1/2 (red) * 1/3 (yellow) = 1/6 or approximately 0.1667 (16.67%).

a) The probability of getting purple is 1/6 or approximately 0.1667 (16.67%).
b) The probability of getting green is 0%.
c) The probability of getting orange is 1/6 or approximately 0.1667 (16.67%).