Average velocity is defined as change in position over change in time and is given by the formula v = s2−s1/t2−t1.

show how this formula can be rearranged to find s2?

To rearrange the formula to find s2, let's start with the given formula:

v = (s2 - s1) / (t2 - t1)

We want to isolate s2, so we'll first multiply both sides of the equation by (t2 - t1) to eliminate the denominator:

v * (t2 - t1) = (s2 - s1)

Next, we can distribute the v to both terms on the left side:

v * t2 - v * t1 = s2 - s1

Now, let's isolate s2 by adding s1 to both sides:

v * t2 - v * t1 + s1 = s2

Therefore, we have rearranged the formula to solve for s2:

s2 = v * t2 - v * t1 + s1

correcting your typo:

v = (s2−s1)/(t2−t1)
v(t2-t1) = s2 - s1
v(t2-t1) + s1 = s2