Which of the following objects is considered to be two-dimensional because it has length and width only?


The object that is considered to be two-dimensional because it has length and width only is a rectangle.

To determine this, we need to understand the concept of dimensions. In geometry, dimensions refer to the measurements (length, width, and height) that describe the size and shape of an object.

A rectangle is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides that are equal in length. It has four right angles and two pairs of parallel sides. Since a rectangle has both length and width, but no height, it can be considered a two-dimensional shape.

On the other hand, a ray is a straight line that extends infinitely in one direction, starting from a single point. While a ray has length, it does not have width, so it is considered one-dimensional.

A point, on the other hand, has zero dimensions. It has no length, width, or height. It is merely a location in space.

Finally, a sphere is a three-dimensional object that has depth, in addition to length and width. A sphere is a perfectly round geometrical shape, similar to a ball.

In summary, out of the given options, the rectangle is considered to be two-dimensional because it has length and width only.

hmmm. how do you find the area of a rectangle? Is that enough of a hint?