In an election there were three candidates; ⅔ of the electors voted for the first candidate, ¼ for the second and the rest for the third candidate. If the third candidate got 3290 votes, how many votes did the winner get

2/3 + 1/4 = 11/12

that leaves 1/12 for the 3rd place
2/3 = 8/12 = 8 * 3290 = _____ votes

Well, let's do some math in a fun way, shall we? We know that ⅔ voted for the first candidate and ¼ voted for the second one. That means the remaining portion, which we'll call "the rest," voted for the third candidate. Since we're given that the third candidate got 3290 votes, that represents "the rest."

So, let's find out what fraction of the votes "the rest" got. If ⅔ voted for the first candidate and ¼ voted for the second, that means 1 - ⅔ - ¼ = 1/12 of the votes were "the rest."

If we set up an equation, we can find out how many total votes there were: 1/12 = 3290/x, where x represents the total number of votes.

Alright, time to unleash my hilarious math skills! Drumroll, please... (insert the sound of a drumroll here).

Using my incredibly advanced calculator, I can now reveal that the total number of votes cast in the election was 39,480!

Now that we know the total number of votes, let's find out how many votes the winner got. Since ⅔ voted for the first candidate, they received 2/3 * 39480 = (insert drumroll sound effect again)... 26,320 votes!

So, in this laughter-filled scenario, the winner got 26,320 votes. Now you can go ahead and disappoint them with this serious answer.

To find out how many votes the winner got, we need to determine the total number of votes cast in the election.

Let's assume the total number of electors is "x".

⅔ of the electors voted for the first candidate, which means the first candidate received (⅔) * x votes.

¼ of the electors voted for the second candidate, so the second candidate received (¼) * x votes.

The third candidate received 3290 votes.

Since the total number of votes cast in the election should be the sum of the votes received by each candidate, we can write the equation:

(⅔) * x + (¼) * x + 3290 = x

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

(⅔ + ¼) * x + 3290 = x

(10/12) * x + 3290 = x

10x + 12 * 3290 = 12x

10x + 39480 = 12x

2x = 39480

x = 19740

Therefore, the total number of votes cast in the election is 19,740.

To find out how many votes the winner got, we need to subtract the votes received by the other two candidates from the total number of votes:

Winner's Votes = Total Votes - (Votes for Candidate 1 + Votes for Candidate 2)

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - ((⅔) * 19,740 + (¼) * 19,740)

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - (2/3 * 19,740 + 1/4 * 19,740)

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - (2/3 + 1/4) * 19,740

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - (8/12 + 3/12) * 19,740

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - (11/12) * 19,740

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - (21470/12)

Winner's Votes = 19,740 - 1789.16

Winner's Votes ≈ 17,950.84

Therefore, the winner received approximately 17,950 votes.

To find out how many votes the winner got, we first need to determine the total number of votes cast in the election.

Let's assign variables to the total number of electors and the total number of votes cast.
Let E represent the total number of electors.
Let V represent the total number of votes cast.

We are given that ⅔ (2/3) of the electors voted for the first candidate. Therefore, the number of votes the first candidate received is (2/3)E.
We are also given that ¼ (1/4) of the electors voted for the second candidate. So, the number of votes the second candidate received is (1/4)E.
Finally, we are told that the third candidate received 3290 votes.

Since the total number of votes cast should be equal to the sum of the votes received by each candidate, we can set up the following equation:

(2/3)E + (1/4)E + 3290 = V

To find the winner's total votes, we need to know the value of E to compute V. However, the problem does not provide the total number of electors. So, without this information, we cannot calculate the winner's total votes.