- How would you classify the ideas held and applied about justice in Traditional societies (restorative/empathetic)?

- What is the relationship between the degree of humanity displayed to/by citizens of a society and their core values as they relate to justice?
- How can you improve our current system/ideas/beliefs about justice to change our society for the better?
i really need help yall please

I'll do my best to help you with your questions! Let's take them one by one:

1. How would you classify the ideas held and applied about justice in Traditional societies (restorative/empathetic)?
In traditional societies, the ideas about justice often revolve around restorative justice and empathy. Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm caused by an offender to the victim and the community. It aims to restore relationships and reconcile both parties involved. Empathy plays a crucial role in understanding the perspectives and emotions of all individuals affected by a crime or conflict.

To further explore this topic, you can study the justice systems of specific traditional societies or cultures. Analyze their practices, traditions, and values related to justice. Research on indigenous justice systems, such as Maori tikanga in New Zealand or the Navajo Peacemaker Courts in the United States, can provide valuable insights into restorative and empathetic approaches.

2. What is the relationship between the degree of humanity displayed to/by citizens of a society and their core values as they relate to justice?
The degree of humanity displayed by citizens of a society goes hand in hand with their core values, including those related to justice. A society that values and promotes empathy, compassion, and respect for all individuals is more likely to prioritize a just and fair system.

When citizens understand and embody humanistic values, it can influence their attitudes towards justice. A society that emphasizes the worth and dignity of every individual tends to seek justice that is equitable, inclusive, and focused on addressing the underlying causes of conflicts or wrongdoing.

3. How can you improve our current system/ideas/beliefs about justice to change our society for the better?
Improving our current system, ideas, and beliefs about justice requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are a few suggestions:

a. Education and awareness: Promote education and awareness about various justice systems, including restorative and empathetic practices. Encourage discussions and debates on justice-related topics in schools, universities, and communities.

b. Community involvement: Actively involve communities in the justice process. Establish community courts or restorative justice programs that allow affected parties to have a say in resolving conflicts.

c. Legal reforms: Advocate for reforms in the legal system to integrate restorative justice principles. Encourage alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation and arbitration.

d. Rehabilitation and support: Emphasize rehabilitation and support for offenders to address the underlying causes of their behavior. Invest in programs that promote education, counseling, and skill-building for prisoners.

e. Intersectionality and equality: Recognize and address the intersections between justice, social inequality, and systemic oppression. Ensure that marginalized groups have equal access to justice and their needs are taken into account.

f. Public dialogue and policy-making: Facilitate open and inclusive dialogue between policymakers, experts, and the public. Encourage citizen participation in shaping justice-related policies.

Remember, improving the justice system is a complex and ongoing process. It requires the collaboration and efforts of individuals, communities, and institutions to bring about meaningful change.

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