Write an expression for the sum of a number x and 21 times its reciprocal.

you're kidding, right?

x + 21 * 1/x
x + 21/x

its right / thank you so much!!!

To find the expression for the sum of a number x and 21 times its reciprocal, we can break it down step by step.

Step 1: Express the reciprocal of x
The reciprocal of x can be found by taking 1 and dividing it by x. Therefore, the reciprocal of x is 1/x.

Step 2: Find 21 times the reciprocal of x
To find 21 times the reciprocal of x, we can multiply 1/x by 21. The expression for this is 21 * (1/x), which simplifies to 21/x.

Step 3: Express the sum of x and 21 times its reciprocal
Now, to find the sum of x and 21 times its reciprocal, we just need to add x and 21/x. The expression for the sum is x + (21/x).

In conclusion, the expression for the sum of a number x and 21 times its reciprocal is x + (21/x).

sum ... ? + ?

reciprocal of x ... 1/x

So, what do you think?

I do not have idea, that the question from quiz