Which element of the story best helps the reader understand why Sargon is grown?

1 setting
2 characterization
3 mood
4 theme

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The element of characterization best helps the reader understand why Sargon is grown.

To determine which element of the story best helps the reader understand why Sargon is grown, we can analyze the different components and their potential impact on character development. Let's examine each option to understand their relevance:

1. Setting: The setting refers to the time and place in which the story takes place. While the setting can certainly contribute to a character's growth, it may not directly explain why Sargon is grown. The setting can influence the character's circumstances, opportunities, and challenges, but it might not provide a specific reason for Sargon's growth.

2. Characterization: Characterization involves the creation and development of the characters in a story. It encompasses their personalities, motivations, and actions. Considering this option, characterization seems more likely to help readers understand why Sargon is grown. By examining how Sargon is presented, described, and depicted throughout the story, readers can gain insights into his growth and the factors that have shaped him.

3. Mood: Mood refers to the atmosphere or emotional tone of the story. It can create an emotional backdrop and influence the reader's experience. While the mood can add depth to the narrative and aid in understanding the story's overall atmosphere, it might not directly explain why Sargon is grown.

4. Theme: Theme refers to the underlying message or main idea of the story. While the theme can shed light on various aspects of the narrative, including character growth, it typically represents a broader concept rather than a specific reason why a character is grown.

Considering the options presented, characterization (option 2) seems to be the element of the story that would best help the reader understand why Sargon is grown. By examining how Sargon is portrayed and developed as a character, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to his growth.