(Q) of the hot beverage (120ml, 60ml, 30ml, 15ml)


(Q) of the cold beverage (120 mL, 60ml, 30ml, 15ml)

For each mixture, compare your calculated q for the hot beverage and the cold beverage. Do you notice a relationship between them? If so, briefly explain the relationship that you observe. If not, briefly explain what you see.

Could you help me to solve this question?

To solve this question, we need to compare the calculated q-values for the hot and cold beverages. The q-value represents the amount of energy gained or lost by a substance during a heating or cooling process. We have q-values for different volumes of both hot and cold beverages.

For the hot beverage:
- q-values (in kJ) are given as -100.032, -72.732, -41.382, and -21.945 for volumes of 120mL, 60mL, 30mL, and 15mL, respectively.

For the cold beverage:
- q-values (in kJ) are given as 8.758, 5.390, 3.368, and 2.695 for volumes of 120mL, 60mL, 30mL, and 15mL, respectively.

Now let's compare the q-values for the hot and cold beverages:

Hot Beverage:
- q = -100.032 kJ for 120 mL
- q = -72.732 kJ for 60 mL
- q = -41.382 kJ for 30 mL
- q = -21.945 kJ for 15 mL

Cold Beverage:
- q = 8.758 kJ for 120 mL
- q = 5.390 kJ for 60 mL
- q = 3.368 kJ for 30 mL
- q = 2.695 kJ for 15 mL

Now we need to observe the relationship between the q-values of the hot and cold beverages.

By comparing the q-values, we can see that the q-values for the cold beverage are positive, indicating a gain of energy, while the q-values for the hot beverage are negative, indicating a loss of energy. This makes sense as the hot beverage is losing energy to its surroundings (cooling down), while the cold beverage is gaining energy from its surroundings (warming up).

Additionally, we can observe that as the volume of the beverages decreases, the absolute values of the q-values decrease. This suggests that as the volume decreases, the amount of energy gained or lost also decreases.

Therefore, the relationship observed is that the q-values for the hot beverage are negative (energy loss) and larger in absolute value compared to the positive q-values for the cold beverage (energy gain). The q-values for both beverages decrease as the volume decreases.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.