
For this question, you have to use Order of Operations, or PEMDAS.

P = Parenthesis
E = Exponents
M = Multiplication
D = Division
A = Addition
S = Subtraction
This is the order in which you have to solve the question to get the right answers.
(I will solve it in my next response)

Use your calculator.

4*942+39-85843+37 = -81,999.

To simplify the expression 4x942+39-85843+37, follow the order of operations, which is often remembered using the acronym PEMDAS:

1. Start with any parentheses, but there aren't any in this expression.
2. Evaluate any exponents, but there are no exponents here.
3. Move to multiplication and division from left to right.

First, perform the multiplication 4x942, which equals 3768.

Now the simplified expression becomes:
3768 + 39 - 85843 + 37

4. Lastly, evaluate addition and subtraction from left to right.

Addition and subtraction are performed in this order:

3768 + 39 = 3807
3807 - 85843 = -82036
-82036 + 37 = -81999

Therefore, the value of the expression 4x942+39-85843+37 is -81999.