5.The grocery store is running a sale on soup, offering three 16-ounce cans for $2.50. What is the unit price per ounce, rounded to the nearest tenth of a cent?

6. At the local video store Lucas Ingles rented 3 DVDs for a total cost of $7.95 and bought an 8 pack box of popcorn for $3.65. What is the unit price of each of the items, rounded to the nearest cent?
7. A department store is running a special on jeans: buy 1 and get 1 at 50 percent off. The jeans usually cost $39.95. If you buy 2 pair and take advantage of the special, what is the unit price per pair, rounded to the nearest cent?

Where are your answers?

To find the unit price per ounce in question 5, you need to divide the total cost of the cans by the total number of ounces.

1. First, calculate the total number of ounces: 3 cans * 16 ounces per can = 48 ounces.
2. Next, divide the total cost ($2.50) by the total number of ounces (48): $2.50 / 48 ounces = $0.0520833 per ounce.
3. Finally, round the result to the nearest tenth of a cent: $0.0520833 rounds to $0.0521 per ounce.

Therefore, the unit price per ounce is approximately $0.0521.

Moving to question 6, to find the unit price of each item, you need to divide the total cost by the quantity of items.

1. First, calculate the unit price of the DVDs: $7.95 divided by 3 DVDs = $2.65 per DVD.
2. Next, calculate the unit price of the popcorn: $3.65 divided by 8 bags = $0.45625 per bag.
3. Finally, round both unit prices to the nearest cent: $2.65 rounds to $2.65 per DVD, and $0.45625 rounds to $0.46 per bag.

Therefore, the unit price of each DVD is $2.65, and the unit price of each bag of popcorn is $0.46.

Finally, let's tackle question 7 to find the unit price per pair.

1. First, calculate the discounted price of one pair of jeans: $39.95 - (50% * $39.95) = $39.95 - $19.975 = $19.975.
2. Next, calculate the total cost of two pairs of jeans: $19.975 * 2 = $39.95.
3. Finally, divide the total cost by the total number of pairs (2): $39.95 / 2 pairs = $19.975 per pair.
4. Round the result to the nearest cent: $19.975 rounds to $19.98 per pair.

Therefore, the unit price per pair of jeans is $19.98.